Lee Lee's Life Lessons

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Goodbye Uncle Bill

August 4th, 2023 is the day that Uncle Bill passed away from this life to join his family in Heaven. Our hearts are broken, but at the same time, our hearts are at peace. Both Jim and I are grateful that Uncle Bill came to North Carolina for his final months. Each day Jim focused on advocating for Uncle Bill, ensuring he received quality attention and care.

We were privileged to many stories. I never tired of hearing about his life pathways, from working at the golf course to working for Cadillac, Johnson and Johnson, and retirement. On July 4th, I asked Uncle Bill if he liked fireworks and he said no that he had had a lifetime of fireworks when serving in Korea. A proud veteran to the end, and beyond. Our last in-depth conversation occurred the day before Uncle Bill was moved to Hospice. Once again, he told me the story of his time in Korea.

Every time I visited, beginning March 23rd, 2023. I asked what I could do for him and he always responded, “Love me, just love me” and I always responded, “Well, that’s a given, I love you.”. This exchange became a game for us. The light in his eyes danced when Jimmy entered the room. His eyes danced when I entered the room. I saw them dance when Mary, his niece, and her husband Chris, his nephew-in-law came to visit. I watched them dance when he spoke of his dear friends, Dot and Jean. And, I watched them dance when a pretty practitioner walked into the room. I must say he was quite suave and debonair. Oh, how I loved it when his eyes danced. I will miss seeing the dance, but I will forever cherish the memories.

It was such a gift to love and be loved by this man. For my time with you, I am forever grateful.

We feel at peace despite the loss and are grateful to the Solace Center, Hospice Nurses, and staff for treating Uncle Bill with the dignity, grace, love, and support he deserved. You are angels on earth. You made his transition so peaceful and beautiful. Thank you. Thank you for keeping him comfortable, clean, well-groomed, and well-cared for. We are forever grateful to you.

Uncle Bill and Jim, my two Hayes men. I have loved having both of them in my life. Watching the bond between Uncle and Nephew (Godson) has been a journey into the depths of love and admiration. A devotion that is beyond words. Their story is well worth telling but I am choosing not to due to the sacredness of their relationship and bond. A bond between Uncle Bill and his Godson Jimmy. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this beautiful, beautiful journey. I love you and miss you terribly. As Jim and I walk around in the Twilight Zone, not knowing what to do without Uncle Bill, we will reflect on the good times and cherish the memories made. I sure wish he was here to ask me to fix his phone or to find his TV station, get him a bottle of water, or sneak him a sweet treat. He was so disappointed when I told him I had to follow the Doctor’s orders. I sure wish he was here to call me sweetheart one more time. Godspeed Uncle Bill, Godspeed.