What Color is your Ribbon?

What hue does your ribbon bear? As a Stage IV Colon cancer survivor, I proudly designate blue as my ribbon's emblem. Having triumphed over Stage IV Colon cancer, I closely identify with blue, a universal symbol for colon cancer awareness.

In my roles as a thriving cancer survivor, an Alliance of Divine Love Interfaith Minister, and a Positive Psychology Practitioner, I am honored to extend my hand in guiding you through the journey of understanding the "what," the "so what," and the "what now" in your life’s journey. As you find equilibrium in your redefined reality, I offer my presence as a beacon of guidance, as you steer your sailboat toward your unwavering life purpose.  Don't hesitate to get in touch with me so we can connect.


Goodbye Uncle Bill


Tears of Relief, Tears of Sadness and Joy, Tears of Diagnosis Past and, Realities of Today