Adventure 2024! I’m going to write a book. See my author’s bio below.

Lisa Caughman Payne, CAPP is an accomplished K-12 service professional with a passion for telling stories that celebrate the often-overlooked heroes in our daily lives. With a background in K-12 food service as a school-based lunch lady, School Nutrition Supervisor, and Director, a member of the K-12 industry as a broker, working as a bid manager at a primary distributor and before retiring, returning to her beloved Buncombe County as School Nutrition Director.    Lisa is keenly interested in exploring the human experience through narrative, and lessons learned as a lunchroom lady, and Stage IV Colon Cancer Survivor.

Having a deep appreciation for the unsung heroes who contribute to the well-being and sense of community, Lisa embarked on the journey of crafting "Lunch Heroes: A Tribute to the Heart and Soul of the Lunchroom." This heartfelt tribute book is a testament to Lisa Caughman Payne’s commitment to shedding light on the dedication, creativity, and compassion of lunchroom heroes who go above and beyond their roles.

Through Lisa Caughman Payne's writing, readers are invited to connect with the personal stories, challenges, and triumphs of these everyday heroes who play a vital role in shaping the environments where we learn, work, and build lasting memories. "Lunch Heroes" is not only a collection of stories but a tribute to the spirit of kindness, resilience, and community that thrives in the heart of every lunchroom.

Lisa believes in the power of storytelling to inspire, uplift, and foster a deeper understanding of the individuals who make a difference in our nation's children’s lives. With a dedication to capturing the essence of the lunchroom experience, Lisa hopes that this book serves as a heartfelt acknowledgment of the incredible contributions made by lunchroom heroes around the country and the world.

When not immersed in writing, Lisa enjoys spending time with her gem, Jim, their yorkies Lila and Jack, and her adult children (and their loves), Tennant (Shannon), Shelby, Christian (Katrina), bonus son Pedro, Goddaughter Reagan and grandchildren, Sam, Finn, and Isla.  Lisa Caughman Payne also enjoys relationships with many beloved friends and family members.  Lisa Caughman Payne enjoys traveling and recently returned from Italy where she and her daughter had a beautiful experience learning the details of Italy’s K-12 food service program and touring the American School of Rome.  Lisa Caughman Payne enjoys serving on the ASAP - Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project board and advocates for local farm-to-school programs.  Lisa Caughman Payne is an Author, Speaker, Positive Psychology practitioner, Ordained Alliance of Divine Love Interfaith Minister, Life Navigator, Stage IV Colon cancer survivor, Guardian Ad Litem, Mother of an Autistic Adult Child, and proud, soon to be retired, Lunchroom Lady. 

Lisa is a member of the School Nutrition Association, the School Nutrition Association of North Carolina, the International Coaching Federation, and The After Cancer Practitioner Team.  Lisa is the founder of Lee Lee’s Life Lessons, an organization whose mission is to assist adults in living their best lives.  Lisa uses “Let Us Play” to celebrate individuals' and teams’ development towards thriving, flourishing, and living their best lives. 

Lisa is the 2023 recipient of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture, Gary Gay Farm to Table Award, and Asheville’s 2023 WomanUP Lifetime Achievement Award.  Lisa Was nominated for this prestigious award by the leadership of the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project (ASAP), an organization, where she proudly serves as a member of the Board of Directors.

Lisa loves being a Crooked Tree in the forest.  "I relate to a crooked tree in the sense that I embrace my path, even if it diverges from the norm. My journey may not follow a straight line, but it's uniquely mine, and I find beauty in its unconventional nature." – Lisa Caughman Payne, CAPP.

Connect with Lisa on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and her webpage, to stay updated on future projects and writings. 




Lunch Hero Heartbeats


A JOURNALING we GO! A gift to cancer Survivors, may journaling bring you comfort!