Confidence. How do we Gain Confidence?

The # 1 question, I am asked as a life navigator and confidential thought partner is, how do I gain confidence?  I aim to use my Life Lessons to inspire you to stand tall and hold your shoulders back and your head high.  Now, let’s delve into this tender subject. 


Believe me, when I tell you that I have had many hours of therapy, many counseling sessions, many hours with inspirational leaders, read and listened to many books, and sat through many hours of classes to train(trick), (convince), my brain.  I work daily to remind myself that, I am enough and that I am worthy.  I am intentional in how I talk to myself so that the advice I hear from within is positive.  I work to keep the inner critic, Nellie, at bay. 


As a newly ordained Minister of the Alliance of Divine Love, Inc and a graduate of The Flourishing Center’s Positive Psychology Certification class, I have tools in my toolbox that teach me to love myself first and help you love yourself, second.  Not, that you are not worthy of being in the number one spot, you just can’t be in my number one spot, and I can’t be in your number 1 spot, you have maintained that position in your life because you have earned the right to. 


May, I add that your spirituality ranks high in helping you develop and maintain the confidence that you need to live your best life?  Feel free to prioritize yourself and your spirituality in the order that works best for you.  Remember, you set the tone for your life. 


Below are questions you can ask yourself to set you on your pathway to learning to build confidence as you continue to learn your life lessons. 


Ask yourself:


1.     How would you walk and talk differently if you had unlimited confidence? 

2.     How would you work differently?

3.     How would you play differently?

4.     How would you perform differently?

5.     How would you treat your body differently?

6.     How would you talk to yourself differently?

7.     What would you stop doing?

8.     What goals would you set and work toward?

9.     What difference would your new-found confidence make in your closet relationships/

10. How would you behave differently around those people?

11. What new and exciting things would you start doing?



Now you're getting it.  You are on the learner's path.  A pathway that allows you to:


1.     Open your mind, using a growth mindset, and visualize the future with new-found confidence.

2.     Repeat the mantra, confidence builds confidence.

3.     Develop deliberate practices that aid you in filling your toolbox with confidence-building tools.  Two very inspirational women and the tool they provide are below. 



4.     Talk to a Coach or a Life Navigator as a confidential thought partner to assist you in developing an intentional life plan.

5.     Talk to a Minister for input and counseling who can share resources with you.

6.     Talk to a Therapist if your issues are deep-rooted and you need professional advice. 

7.     Learn to love yourself, learn to love yourself, learn to love yourself.  Oh, and did I say learn to love yourself? 


Life Lessons can be hard, life lessons can be fun, life lessons can be ignored or at best, life lessons can open the door for positive change.  It is never too late to learn to walk, talk, and live with confidence.  It’s simple when you, take the time to name your inner critic.  In my case, I say whoa, Nellie.  Nellie, you can hold me accountable, you can correct me from time to time, but you cannot tell me that I am not worthy, because I am, and I always have been.  I finally believe that the lessons learned were presented to teach me to share.  I am confident that you and I are better people because we are focused on living our best lives. 

Love and Hugs,










Tears of Relief, Tears of Sadness and Joy, Tears of Diagnosis Past and, Realities of Today


What is LeeLee's Life Lessons about?