Thank you, friends of Peter Mayer/Smokey Shadows, for being you.

Your heartfelt gift of service to cancer survivors speaks volumes. You are angels on Earth, and for you, I am grateful. Your gift of time and money has and will impact many, by providing hope. Gail Weams, there are no words to capture your heart, the beauty of your soul resonates throughout the universe. Thank you. Peter Mayer, I often say that I don’t have to talk to a person to have a conversation with them, and you are the ultimate nonverbal communicator. When you play the guitar, you give a powerful, life-changing speech. Kathy Hall, thank you for buying the shirt off of Peter’s back. Thank you. Steve Weams, Tracy Shinn, Friends of Peter Mayer, and Smokey Shadows, you are the salt of the Earth. David Hodge, thank you for introducing me to Phyllis London. Phyllis, thank you for your offer to donate 50% of the proceeds of all future sales of your inspirational piece “The Hole and String”  Everyone, your gifts will allow many cancer survivors, affliated with, The After Cancer, the support they need on their journey. Thank you. 

I trust that Gail has shared with you that I am a stage IV Colon Cancer Survivor. I was diagnosed on June 16, 2016.  I was told that I had 9 months to live. I am glad that my Oncologist was wrong. My Oncologist is glad he was wrong too. I have an appointment to see him this Thursday. Something, that I do every 6 months. A reminder that cancer will always be a part of my life. The Friends of Peter Mayer/Smokey Shadows Fundraiser, is also a reminder of cancer. A reminder to many of us that cancer has touched our lives. This fundraiser is a celebration of humanity, a reason to hope and comfort and a gift to the many survivors served. I trust you will continue your service, as I will in memory of my mother, in honor of your loved ones, and, in service to all survivors. Cancer survivorship has made me a be a better person, and for that I am grateful. I thank you all for continuing to answer your call to action. Let your light shine, Hugs and Love, Lisa


The “United States is the Melting Pot”


Reflections - From Get Your Rear in Gear - Charlotte March 23, 2024